Date of last modification: 06/04/2020
Privacy and Cookie Policy
This charter (hereinafter “the Charter”) presents Haute Decoration’s commitments for the protection of personal data of Internet users visiting this site from the following URL (ci- after designated “the Site”) and users of the Services. It also informs you of the procedures for collecting and using your personal data and the options you have in this regard.
It may be modified at any time by Haute Decoration, according to the changes or additions made, in particular in order to comply with all regulatory, jurisprudential, editorial and / or technical changes. Before any navigation, you are advised to refer to the latest version of the Charter available on our Services.
Haute Decoration respects the law “Informatique & Libertés” n ° 78-17 of January 6, 1978 modified (hereinafter called “1978 law”), as well as the law “for confidence in the digital economy” n ° 2004- 575 of June 21, 2004 (article L. 33-4-1 of the Post and Telecommunications Code and article L. 121-20-5 of the Consumer Code).
In accordance with current legislation and regulations and in application of the European General Data Protection Regulation (hereinafter referred to as “GDPR”), the processing of personal data is recorded in internal Company registers, each of which records of the treatments implemented.
The Charter applies in addition to the provisions of the General Conditions of Use.
I Personal data
Article 1 – Identity of the processing management
The controller is:
The Haute Decoration company
Resident at 29 boulevard Stalingrad – 92240 Malakoff – France.
Telephone: + 33 (0) 9 82 23 26 36
Mail: patrick.leonard[at]haute-decoration[point]eu
Article 2 – Purpose of processing
In general, you can visit the site without providing any personal information about yourself. In any event, you are in no way obliged to transmit this information to Haute Decoration.
The data collected allow in particular to access certain technical information that you have requested, or to discover our products and services. By providing this information, you expressly agree that it will be processed by Haute Decoration.
However, in case of refusal, you may not be able to benefit from certain information or services.
Online forms specify the data that must be communicated to benefit from the service concerned, optional data and the consequences of non-communication of a data.
The data collected may allow you to access the Haute Decoration commercial offers. When your declarative data are thus used for commercial purposes, Haute Decoration collects your consent in accordance with the regulations in force.
Article 3 – Data collected and recipient
We collect declarative data as well as behavioral data (hereinafter taken together “your Personal Data”).
3.1 – Declarative data
Haute Decoration may create one or more files containing information that you voluntarily provide to it in order to benefit from a service. This Personal Data is collected when filling in forms on the Site.
These data are your identity (name, first name, company), postal information (address, postal code, city and country), contact (telephone, email), your function and free data allowing us to specify your request or need.
Only Haute Decoration is the recipient of your Personal Data. These, whether in individual or aggregated form, are never transferred, rented or exchanged to a third party.
3.2 – Behavioral data
Haute Decoration may also collect your browsing data using data collection tools (detailed in paragraph II Cookies).
These Tools allow, during each of your visits, to carry out global statistical studies on the audience of our services, to identify you if necessary, to adapt the content of a service to your behavioral data and, more generally, to study your behavior during your browsing on the Site in order to offer you a better browsing experience and use of our services.
3.3 Data collected automatically
When you browse sites, your computer, tablet or mobile interacts with a server which provides it with all the resources requested by automatically recording each operation in a specific file where your computer, tablet or mobile is identified by its IP address. Your browser thus automatically transmits certain standard data to us (IP addresses, operating system, browser, etc.). This automatic collection may allow us to monitor the general activity of the Site and does not allow us to identify you by name.
Article 4 – Security and shelf live
Haute Decoration implements all necessary means to guarantee the security of your Personal Data and takes all appropriate measures to limit the risk of loss, deterioration or improper use thereof.
However, we may disclose personal information about you without your prior consent, only if we have reason to believe that it is necessary to identify, contact or initiate legal proceedings against a person who could cause harm. prejudice or interfere with the rights or property of the Company (intentionally or not), or with any person who could be affected by these activities. We may also be required to disclose information relating to visitors when we are satisfied, in good faith, that the law requires it.
We may also transmit information about you if the Company acquires another company or is the subject of a buyout, merger, absorption, merger or reorganization of any kind it would be. The Company also makes its best efforts to ensure the protection of your data, in particular vis-à-vis unauthorized third parties, and implements, both at the time of determining the means of processing and at the time of processing. – even, appropriate technical, security and organizational measures. The Company undertakes to take only measures consisting in limiting and circumscribing by default the processing of personal data for the sole purposes pursued by this processing.
The Company cannot be held responsible in any way for the consequences of unauthorized use of this data.
Your Personal Data is kept by Haute Decoration only for the time corresponding to the purpose of the collection as indicated in Article 2 above, and which cannot in any event exceed two years.
Article 5 – Your rights
AUnder the regulations in force, you remain in control of your personal data and are therefore free to check at any time the existence, the destination, the content and the extent.
Pursuant to the Law of 1978 and the GDPR, you can exercise the following rights free of charge (subject to the exceptions provided for by the Law of 1978 and by the GDPR) by writing to us at the postal address mentioned in Article 1 or by filling out the form below.
These rights relate to all of your personal data or that of the persons for whom you are the cause.
5.1 – Right of access and communication of data
You have the right to access the Personal Data which concerns you.
However, due to the obligation of security and confidentiality in the processing of personal data which falls to Haute Decoration, you are informed that your request will be processed provided that you provide proof of your identity, in particular by production a scan of your valid identity document (if requested electronically) or a signed photocopy of your valid identity document (if requested in writing). The request should specify the address to which the response should be sent.
Haute Decoration informs you that it will be entitled, if necessary, to oppose manifestly abusive requests (by their number, their repetitive or systematic nature).
To help you in your approach, in particular if you wish to exercise your right of access by means of a written request to the postal address mentioned in Article 1, you will find by clicking on the following link an elaborate mail template by the National Commission for Information Technology and Liberties (the “CNIL”).
5.2 – Right to rectify data
Under this right, the legislation empowers you to request the rectification, completion, updating, blocking or erasure of data concerning you which may prove to be inaccurate, incomplete, ambiguous, erroneous, expired, incomplete or obsolete or the collection, use, communication or conservation of which is prohibited.
Also, you can define general and specific directives relating to the fate of personal data after your death. If applicable, the heirs of a deceased person may require that the death of their loved one be taken into account and / or that the necessary updates be carried out.
To help you in your approach, in particular if you wish to exercise, on your own account or on behalf of one of your deceased relatives, your right to rectification by means of a written request to the postal address mentioned in the ‘Article 1, you will find by clicking on the following link a mail model developed by the CNIL.
5.3 – Right to object or limit processing
The exercise of this right is only possible in one of the following two situations:
- When the exercise of this right is based on legitimate grounds
- When the exercise of this right aims to prevent the data collected from being used for commercial prospecting purposes.
To help you in your approach, in particular if you wish to exercise your right of opposition by means of a written request addressed to the postal address indicated in Article 1, you will find by clicking on the following link a model mail developed by the CNIL.
Article 6 – Response time
Haute Decoration undertakes to respond to your request for access, rectification or opposition or any other additional request for information within a reasonable period of time which may not exceed one month from the receipt of your request.
Article 7 – Complaint with the competent authority
If you consider that Haute Decoration is not respecting its obligations with regard to your Personal Data, you can send a complaint or request to the competent authority. In France, the competent authority is the CNIL to which you can send a request by electronic means by clicking on the following link:
II Cookies
When you first connect to the Site, you are warned by a banner at the bottom of your screen that information relating to your browsing may be stored in files called “cookies”. Our cookie use policy allows you to better understand the provisions that we implement in terms of navigation on the Site. In particular, it informs you about all of the cookies present on the Site, their purpose (Article 2) and gives you the procedure to follow to configure them (Articles 4 and 5).
Article 1 – General information on cookies
Haute Decoration, as publisher of this Site, may proceed to the implementation of a cookie on the hard drive of your terminal (computer, tablet, mobile) in order to guarantee you smooth and optimal navigation on the Site.
“Cookies” (or cookies) are small text files of limited size installed on your computer, tablet or mobile. They allow us to recognize your computer, tablet or mobile for the purpose of personalizing the services we offer. It records information relating to the navigation of your computer on a site (such as for example the pages visited or the dates and times of consultation), which can be read during your subsequent visits to the Site.
The information collected through cookies does not in any way identify you by name. They are used exclusively for our own needs in order to improve the interactivity and performance of our Site and to send you content adapted to your interests. None of this information is communicated to third parties except when the disclosure of this information is required by law, by order of a court or any authorized administrative or judicial authority.
The information we collect will not be kept beyond 13 (thirteen) months, unless you agree otherwise. They will then be permanently deleted.
Article 2 – Cookies present on the site
The banner at the bottom of the page briefly presenting information relating to the deposit of cookies warns you that by continuing your navigation on the Site (by loading a new page or by clicking on various elements of the site for example), you accept the deposit of cookies on your terminal.
Depending on the type of cookie in question, obtaining your consent to the deposit and reading of cookies on your terminal may be imperative.
2.1 – Cookies exempt from consent
In accordance with the recommendations of the CNIL, certain cookies are exempt from the prior collection of your consent insofar as they are strictly necessary for the operation of the website or have the sole purpose of allowing or facilitating communication by electronic means. These include session ID, authentication, load balancing session cookies as well as cookies for customizing your interface. These cookies are fully subject to this policy insofar as they are issued and managed by Haute Decoration.
2.2 – Cookies requiring the prior collection of your consent
This requirement concerns cookies issued by third parties and which are qualified as “persistent” insofar as they remain in your terminal until they are deleted or expired.
As such cookies are issued by third parties, their use and deposit are subject to their own privacy policies which you will find the link below.
Three types of cookies belong to this family:
- Audience measurement cookies (or Statistics): They compile statistics concerning the frequentation and use of various elements of the Site (such as the content / pages that you have visited). This data contributes to improving the ergonomics, performance, functionality or services of the Site. They can also be used to detect navigation problems that may arise.
- Behavioral analysis cookies (or Marketing): The behavioral data collected allow, for example, to know if you have already visited the Site before, help to identify which information on the Site could interest you the most, and help improve navigation and make it more interesting. For this we keep track of your preferences when you visit a particular site. They also allow you to display targeted advertising.
- Sharing cookies on social networks (Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn)
Haute Decoration only uses audience measurement cookies through the Google Analytics tool, here is the privacy policy:
Article 3 – Refusal to deposit cookies
You can refuse or selectively accept the installation of behavioral analysis cookies, geolocation and / or audience measurement cookies at any time. The following two articles offer you the means to make this setting.
We draw your attention to the fact that the refusal of the deposit of cookies on your terminal is nevertheless likely to alter your user experience as well as your access to certain services or functionalities of this Site. If necessary, Haute Decoration declines any responsibility concerning the consequences linked to the deterioration of your navigation conditions which occur due to your choice to refuse, delete or block the cookies necessary for the functioning of the site. These consequences cannot constitute damage and you cannot claim any compensation for this fact.
We therefore advise you to leave them active to take full advantage of our services and your browsing on our sites.
Article 4 – Setting up your internet browser
Most Internet browsers are configured by default so that the deposit of cookies is authorized. Your browser offers you the opportunity to modify these standard parameters so that all cookies are systematically rejected or else only some of the cookies are accepted or refused depending on their issuer.
Votre navigateur vous permet également de supprimer les cookies existants sur votre terminal ou encore de vous signaler lorsque de nouveaux cookies sont susceptibles d’être déposés sur votre terminal.
Your browser also allows you to delete existing cookies on your device or to notify you when new cookies are likely to be placed on your device.
In Internet Explorer / Edge:
Click Tools at the top of the browser window and select Internet Options.
In the options window, click the Privacy tab.
To activate cookies, place the cursor on Medium or on a lower setting.
To deactivate cookies, place the cursor at the top to block all cookies.
In Mozilla Firefox :
Click on Tools in the browser menu and select Options.
Select the Privacy pane.
To activate cookies, check the Accept site cookies box.
To deactivate cookies, uncheck the Accept cookies from the Site box.
In Google Chrome :
Click the wrench icon in the browser toolbar.
Select the Settings option.
Click on Show advanced settings.
In the Privacy section, click the Content Settings button.
To activate cookies, select “Allow storage of local data” in the Cookies section. Proprietary cookies and third-party cookies are then authorized. To only accept first-party cookies, select “Block all third-party cookies without exception”.
To deactivate cookies, select “Prohibit all sites from storing data” in the Cookies section.
In Safari :
Choose Safari> Preferences, then click Privacy.
In the Block cookies section, indicate if Safari should accept cookies from the Site and under what circumstances.
For an explanation of each option, click Details.
For other browsers and mobile devices:
If you want to restrict the use of cookies for another browser or on a mobile device, go to the official web page of the browser or the manufacturer of the device or consult the documentation they have provided, then follow the instructions.
For more information on cookie control tools, you can consult the CNIL website:
Article 5 – Setting of the CookieBot tool
Disabling cookies can also be done directly via the CookieBot tool installed on the Site. Interactive, it allows you to manage your cookies via a banner available at the bottom of the page and lists all active cookies. To deactivate a cookie, simply click on the cross next to the service offered. If all cookies are disabled, the banner dedicated to collecting the user’s consent will reappear when the page is refreshed.
For any question or additional request for information relating to this cookie policy, please contact us using our form.